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Friday, 16 February 2024

The Thirds Showdown

As previously posted it was a tight final and deciding game between the Wyllie and McOmish Teams with
the leaders, The Peart Squad, leading in the clubhouse.

With Lead John Good and Third, Adam Hicks playing on other sheets, Team Wyllie was bolstered with Eilidh Troup (University) and  Elaine McDiarmid, who both played exceptionally well.  It seems unfair to single them out, as all eight players upped their games for a high quality game.

It became apparent quickly that, needing at least a 6 end victory, that the McOmish Team would not secure 'The Pies' when they lost the first three ends.  However they struck back for the game by taking a 5 and the lead in the fourth end.  Consecutive 2's in the next two ends, with the hammer saw the Pies Destination swinging back and forth.  Going in to the final end John McOmish was 1 shot up, with David Wyllie needing a 'peel' (ie 1 shot) with the hammer to take the Title.  With John playing a raise onto the button with his last stone David was left with a very difficult final shot and was not far away from getting it.  The final score of the game was 8 - 6 to John McOmish.

That left all three teams on two wins and two losses.  The winners based on Ends were Daniel Peart, Dale Callander, Rosie Clark and Julia Mackey. 

The other two teams were left on thirteen ends each and had to be separated by 'Shots Up' with the runners up spot going to Team McOmish.

Commiserations to Team Wyllie who were within two shots of taking the crown and ended up after a VERY close league in third spot.

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