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Monday 13 February 2023

Province Knockout

The semi finals saw the holders, Haddington, being comprehensively beaten by Team Aberlady.  The other game saw  Dirleton triumph over Yester.

After a short break, it was back onto the ice for the victorious teams.  Aberlady got off to a strong start with twos in the first and third ends with Dirleton only taking a single in end two.  This gave Aberlady a 4-1 scoreline after three ends.  From there, it was one way traffic with Dirleton taking the remaining four ends.  It was still a tight match with them only managing to take more than a single in one of these ends.

The final score was 6 - 4 to Dirleton.

Big Congratulations to Julia, Dave W, Cathy and Adam. 

To put this in context, Aberlady have only won this competition once before (2007/08 - Mike) while Haddington have 12 titles to their credit.


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