Next Fixtures & Updates

  • 15-10-24 Tue @ 17.30 - Trophy A v B - Opening Game
  • 19-10-24 Sat @ 14.30 & 16.45 - Opening Bonspiel A, B & C - Informal Food
  • 20-10-24 Sun @ 14.30 - EL Gauntlet Challenge
  • 22-10-24 Tue @ 17.30 - Trophy B v C
  • 4-11-24 Mon @ 19.45 - Trophy A v C
  • 11-11-24 Mon @ 17.30 - Trophy A v B
  • 23-11-24 Sat @ 12.45 - Trophy A v C
  • 27-11-24 Wed @ 18.00 - Trophy B v C
  • Website last updated 14-8-24

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Syllabus Correction

 Please note that the inside syllabus has been corrected to show the game on 2 Dec as a Monday, not Wednesday as previously shown.

The date indicated on the latest version (bottom left) should be 14-8-24

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