Next Fixtures & Updates

  • 15-10-24 Tue @ 17.30 - Trophy A v B - Opening Game
  • 19-10-24 Sat @ 14.30 & 16.45 - Opening Bonspiel A, B & C - Informal Food
  • 20-10-24 Sun @ 14.30 - EL Gauntlet Challenge
  • 22-10-24 Tue @ 17.30 - Trophy B v C
  • 4-11-24 Mon @ 19.45 - Trophy A v C
  • 11-11-24 Mon @ 17.30 - Trophy A v B
  • 23-11-24 Sat @ 12.45 - Trophy A v C
  • 27-11-24 Wed @ 18.00 - Trophy B v C
  • Website last updated 14-8-24

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Syllabus Correction

 Please note that the inside syllabus has been corrected to show the game on 2 Dec as a Monday, not Wednesday as previously shown.

The date indicated on the latest version (bottom left) should be 14-8-24

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Season 24/25

The final touches are being put in place and in the next few days the New Season Packs should be getting issued by email.

In the meantime, the website has been getting updated and for those of you that cant wait, the syllabus is available on the "Fixtures Tab", above. 

We also have great pleasure in welcoming our 'new members' who have upgraded from our wonderful New Stone Reserves from last season, Zach Thompson and Gavin Morton.  Louise Davidson is also joining our ranks of Reserve Players as is Jeff Lewis.  Hopefully they will be joined by more recruits, following this seasons New Stones Challenge Game on Wed 2nd December.

Daniel Peart steps up as a 'Trophy' Skip (not sure that reads too well but .....) and Adam Hicks will lead a rink in the Thirds Competition (He got plenty experience covering for 'old broken neck' last year)

IMPORTANT NOTE :- The club has a new bank account - details of which will be in the New Season Pack and on the syllabus.   This has come about as we try to replace 'back of an envelope' Mike Woods as our long term Treasurer.  Mike will remain in post for the 24/25 season but will be shadowed by Adam "lets drag the club into the 19th century" Hicks.

Finally, we are adding a new competition to our syllabus, which will hopefully be made up of new recruits and will be played as a four rink round robin to finish our year off.

Enjoy the remains of your summer, the curling season is nearly here.