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Thursday, 15 March 2018

Leagues - Final Positions

The last shots game of the season was between Mike's Rink and Morgan's Squad.  Morgan, hoping to capitalise on Mikes absence needed a 'decent' win to overtake Sandy for the final steak pies of the season.  Team Wood, led by David Wyllie, with new recruits Adam and Alsadair for the entire competition was not in the mood to suffer another defeat like in his first game against Sandy. Following a 'good' win against John (geddit?) he was hoping to maintain his form.  Hopes were strengthened when he added Graeme (Sandy's third) to assist.
The game was unlike a proper shots game, in as much as it was low scoring, which benefited team Wood (Wyllie).  Dave scored excellent singles against potentially large scores to frustrate Morgan and lead to questions being asked if Graeme was playing for Mike (Dave) or for Sandy.  The answer, of course, Graeme was playing for the pie!
With the final stone, Morgan failed to upgrade his 2 into a 3, which would have earned him a peel, so the final score was 5 - 4 to Dave Wyllie.
Due to his first round defeat Dave finishes the shots competition in last place, however he can take heart, If this had been a regular competition, he would have finished second to Sandy (on ends) .
So Congratulations go to Sandy, Graeme, John N and Sheena for securing the Shots Competition.

The loss in this final game means that Sandy and Morgan finish top of the Peter Allen Shield competition on six wins each.  Team Nicoll Snr. however secure the Shield with a 5 end margine.
Congratulations to Morgan, Dale, Pam and Rosie.

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