Next Fixtures & Updates

  • 16-2-25 Sun - EL Knockout Semi & Final from 15.00
  • 28-2-25 Fri @ 18.00 - Friendship League 1 v 4
  • 3-3-25 Mon @ 17.30 - Friendship League 2 v 3
  • 12-3-25 Wed @ 19.45 - Friendship League 2 v 4
  • 15-3-25 Sat @ 14.30 - Friendship League 1 v 3
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Markle
  • 18-3-25 Tue @ 20.15 - Friendship League 1 v 2
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 18.00 President v Vice President & Supper
  • 24-3-25 Mon @ 19.45 - Friendship League 3 v 4
  • Website last updated 14-2-25

Monday, 30 January 2017

Individual Points Competition

Thanks to Sandy for all his efforts in trying to round up the troops.  Despite his best efforts there was a slightly depleted field of 9 competitors this year.  This meant that we were able to play all 9 exercises instead of last years 7, giving everyone a great opportunity to beat their previous high scores.
In the overall competition Morgan, last years winner, suffered from the curse of playing first and this resulted in a a poor final score.  Being beaten by both of his children must have been extra disappointing.  Raymond, on the other hand, bounced back from a poor result in 2016 to find himself locked in battle with Karen.  Both faired poorly in the 'Wick and Curl In' only scoring one point between them (Pam was the highest scorer in that exercise with a creditable three!).  With the final exercise to come Karen had a two point lead but was comprehensively beaten in the 'Draw thro' Port' with Raymond taking six points.
The final scores saw Raymond Preston as our winner with a new 'all time' high score of 47 with Karen taking runner up spot and First Lady with 44 points.

The full scores and All Time List are on the Results page.

Friday, 20 January 2017

George Chisholm 1952 - 2016

 Thanks to Morgan Nicoll, Cathy Maclean and Sheena Munro who attended and represented the Club.
As can be seen from the Order of Service, the George that we all knew was the 'real' George.  Despite being a very private man, he was bit of an eccentric and that is not an easy combination to pull off successfully.   Aberlady Curling Club has lost one of its real characters and we will all miss him.
Our wishes go to his wife.

If anyone wants to make a donation, they can do so to UNHCR Syria Crisis Appeal.  A collection will also be taken at the Club Dinner.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

USA Tour 2017

With only a few days to go ex President John Good will be packing and repacking his bags ready to set off on the 2017 Scottish Curlers Tour to the USA.  He will be playing 31 games in three weeks and hopefully will return home having regained the Herries Maxwell Trophy for Scotland.
The tour will cover from Cape Cod in the East to Minneapolis in the West.
The best wishes of the club goes with him, Callum Harvey, Jim Ramsey and the 17 other curlers.

You can follow their day to day exploits on their website
This link is also on the right hand panel along with other useful links.

Monday, 9 January 2017

George Chisholm

It was with great regret and sadness that I can confirm that George became ill on Christmas day and died, suddenly, the following day.  He was on his annual holiday to a small town in Egypt, with his wife Anne.

George has been a loyal member of Aberlady Curling Club for many years.  He originally joined us when the Civil Service Curling Club ceased.

George was definitely a larger than life character and was easily recognised on the ice with his trade mark striped tank top.  He was also a three time winner of The Musselburgh Medal including once when he missed all three games, which never ceased to amuse and embarrass  him.  His last game was the Christmas Bonspiel, for which he dispensed with his normal attire and instead went instead with the Bah Humbug hat (see posting below).

The funeral will be held at 2pm on on Monday 16th January 2017 at Inverness Crematorium.  Should any member wish to attend they should contact Graeme Maguire who will try to arrange a car share.

George was a one off and will be greatly missed.  Our thoughts are with his wife Anne