Next Fixtures & Updates

  • 16-2-25 Sun - EL Knockout Semi & Final from 15.00
  • 28-2-25 Fri @ 18.00 - Friendship League 1 v 4
  • 3-3-25 Mon @ 17.30 - Friendship League 2 v 3
  • 12-3-25 Wed @ 19.45 - Friendship League 2 v 4
  • 15-3-25 Sat @ 14.30 - Friendship League 1 v 3
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Markle
  • 18-3-25 Tue @ 20.15 - Friendship League 1 v 2
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 18.00 President v Vice President & Supper
  • 24-3-25 Mon @ 19.45 - Friendship League 3 v 4
  • Website last updated 14-2-25

Thursday, 24 October 2024


 A Big Warm Welcome to not one but two new reserves

Imogen Barr joins us from Athelstaneford and

Joanna Hull joins us from the New Stones.

Also congratulations to Zach who has a recent baby which is keeping him away from Murrayfield until December.

Monday, 21 October 2024

The Gauntlet

 Congratulations to Julia Mackey, John McOmish, John Good and Gavin Morton who took on, and defeated Athelstaneford in the inaugural East Lothian Gauntlet game.

It is now up to us to challenge another East Lothian club within the next four weeks.

Pie Pie Baby Pie Pie.

The first Pie Winners are Team Wood/Maguire (minus the Wood part) who played our Opening Bonspiel (Knockout!) three handed.

In their first game they scored a comfortable, if surprising, victory against our President's quartette, managing to win all four ends for a 9 - 0 victory.

Game two saw Team Julia taking on the Peart squad in a tight match that came down to the last end.  Team Peart eventually took a two to win 3 - 2.

The final game would therefore determine the victors.  Whichever team won would take the spoils.  It was another tight game with only single shots determining each end.  The Maguire Trio ending up 3 -1 winners and looking forward to their steak pies.

Congratulations to Graeme Maguire, David Wyllie and Gavin Morton.

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

And we are off.......

Our first game pitted Team Julia up with the Peart Quartet.

It was definitely a game of two halves.  After four ends Julia's rink, with some excellent early season form from John McOmish had it well under control with a 6 - 1 lead.  Daniel however was seeking to make the score more respectable, and succeeded, taking the remaining three ends to have a 7 - 6 lead.  Coming in under the wire an eighth end was started and the leads and seconds from both teams seemed determined block the house.  With only the skips stoned remaining Daniel was lying 1 but leaving Julia a chance (slim) to raise.  She succeeded with the final stone of the game, but not far enough.

Final score Daniel 8, Julia 6.