Next Fixtures & Updates

  • 16-2-25 Sun - EL Knockout Semi & Final from 15.00
  • 28-2-25 Fri @ 18.00 - Friendship League 1 v 4
  • 3-3-25 Mon @ 17.30 - Friendship League 2 v 3
  • 12-3-25 Wed @ 19.45 - Friendship League 2 v 4
  • 15-3-25 Sat @ 14.30 - Friendship League 1 v 3
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Markle
  • 18-3-25 Tue @ 20.15 - Friendship League 1 v 2
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 18.00 President v Vice President & Supper
  • 24-3-25 Mon @ 19.45 - Friendship League 3 v 4
  • Website last updated 14-2-25

Friday, 29 October 2021

Trophy at 50% point

Last nights bout between the Maguire and Callander squads was looking like it could be Graeme's third 'game of two halves'.   With great support from David Wyllie, Karen Munro and super-sub Susanne Udall, they powered into a five shot lead, taking the first three ends.  The balance then swung with Dale, Julia Mackey, Daniel Peart and Ian Campbell securing the next two but being held to single shots in each end.  Unfortunately the come back stalled and Graeme went on to take the final two ends and run out, a flattering, 9 - 2 winners.

Despite discussions as to how Julia could turn last nights game to her advantage, she backed the wrong horse.  Her position at the top of the league would have been secured had she and Dale won.

In the league it is very tight with three teams all having won two and lost one game, then there is the other team !  Graeme's and Julia's teams have both also won the same number of ends and are therefore separated only by Graeme's superior 'shots up'.  The steak pies are still up for grabs and could still be won by any of the teams.

Ding Ding..... let round two commence.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Confusion and Revenge

 More Covid call-offs resulted in confusion once again, with reserves skipping and others swapping team part way through the game.  A good game was had none the less and Raymond Preston, subbing for John Good, (eventually) taking his team to a last end win 7 - 3 against the defending champion, Dale.

Meanwhile, this time playing as himself, Graeme took on John McOmish in a 3  v 3 battle, for the second time in a week.  Revenge for his severe beating was sweet for Graeme, aided this time by David Wyllie and Sheena Munro, running out 10-4 victors.  (John still has the bragging rights with a score of 15 - 13 over the two legs.)

Monday, 25 October 2021

Pinged by the bell

 With both teams suffering 'ping' absences six players took to the ice.  Neither skip was present and only three out of eight regular players perhaps gives us a flavour of the topsy turvey season we may have ahead.

OK, I can't delay this longer, Graeme (skipping John G's rink) made a fatal mistake in the second end, chipping his shot stone out leaving John McOmish's team with a FIVE !  Things went downhill with John McOmish, having learnt a lot from his skip Julia taking a 10 - 0 lead after five ends.  If the game had started at that point, Graeme would have won, taking two of the final three ends and a 3 - 1 score, BUT IT DIDN'T.   John McOmish, Adam Hicks and Sheena Munro took a well deserved 11 - 3 win.

Monday, 11 October 2021

Pairs Competition

 Due to clashes with holidays and school vacations we have taken the decision to POSTPONE our Pairs Competition.

We will try to arrange an alternative date for later in the season.

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Swan Trophy

 The draw for the Swan Trophy has now been added to the Fixtures Page.

The First Round will be against Mid Calder on Thursday 18-11-21 at 15.00 (3pm)

The Semi Final will be on Thursday 6th January 2022 @ 15.00 (3pm) 

The Final will be on Thursday 13-1-22 @ 15.00.

Our teams are:-

M Wood, G Maguire, D Callander, R Clark, P Clark PLUS 2

If you would like to play, please let Mike Wood know asap.

Saturday, 2 October 2021

East Lothian Province Competitions

 The draws for our Province Competitions has now been added and the syllabus updated.