Next Fixtures & Updates

  • 16-2-25 Sun - EL Knockout Semi & Final from 15.00
  • 28-2-25 Fri @ 18.00 - Friendship League 1 v 4
  • 3-3-25 Mon @ 17.30 - Friendship League 2 v 3
  • 12-3-25 Wed @ 19.45 - Friendship League 2 v 4
  • 15-3-25 Sat @ 14.30 - Friendship League 1 v 3
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Markle
  • 18-3-25 Tue @ 20.15 - Friendship League 1 v 2
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 18.00 President v Vice President & Supper
  • 24-3-25 Mon @ 19.45 - Friendship League 3 v 4
  • Website last updated 14-2-25

Monday, 17 December 2018

Christmas comes but once a year !

With the theme of a 'Good Night' the motley crew appeared.  Murrayfield is used to 'fancy' dress from clubs at this time of year (and from Graeme all year) but even they were shocked by the formal and night attire.  (Not to forget Justyna's Japanese take on Little Red Riding Hood).
We attracted a large crowd of onlookers for much of the game which was run to Graeme's oft confusing rules.  These included the use of delivery sticks and juggling clubs!!
The atmosphere was as usual fantastic and the games extremely competitive.  We even managed to add an extra eighth end.
Congratulations to or winners, John 'moon and stars' Good, David Wyllie and Adam Hicks.
Special prizes also went to Sheena (Costume) David Wyllie (drawing skills) and Justyna (10 pin bowling skills).
The after dinner Christmas supper was enjoyed by all, which is more than can be said for the Cracker jokes....  sorry joke!

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Trophy - Final Results

Sandy playing it cool
Well, it is a BIG congratulations to Team Nicoll (jnr) who emerge triumphant.
Sandy, David Wyllie, Cathy Maclean and the dream team combo of Liz Nicoll/Alasdair Robertson emerge with only 1 loss (Team Wood) and 1 peel (Team Nicoll snr).   This may also be the first time that a Son and Mother combination have taken the trophy (but I don't have the time or data to check, so lets just agree that it is!).
This result also puts Sandy in a geed position to take the Peter Allan Shield which is based on the Trophy and the Shots competition as he has a 3 point lead over Mike Wood's squad, who started and finished the competition strongly but were a bit disappointing in the middle.
The other three teams are only separated by one point, so the relegation battle looks as though it will go to the wire !
We now move on to the Thirds competition, with the first game next week and then on to the Christmas Bonspiel.  This year's fancy dress theme is 'Good Night' and the rinks will be announced shortly.  (If you have not already told Graeme that you will/will not be coming, please do so asap.)  The 'game' will be followed by a Christmas supper at the ice rink and partners/non players are welcome. (again some numbers would be grateful)